IT'S ME AGAINNN! Haha, it's now 4:37 already. I'm still super duper wide awake. Haha! I'm doing my DNT. Which is actually due on Friday. But my DNT teacher gave me an extended deadline. Haha. He's a damn nice t'cher. I'll never regret having him as my DNT teacher. Thanks Mr Kamar! (: Haha, My target, by 1 more hour, I'll have to complete my whole 10 pages. Then it'll be a total of 35 pages. Haha. And now I'm only at 30 pages. Damn, that sucks. Haha. I'm going back to do already. And ohyah, I'm meeting yuinping later @ 5am plus, I'm gonna take the first 307 bus to take whye. And slack together with her. Haha, I'm such a kind soul ain't I ? Haha, Not like her, now still at the bed sleeping like swine like that. Saliva drooling out. Whole body spread across the bed. Haha! Just now 3 am plus smsed me say can't get to sleep. Damn bird lohs she. I got a feeling she won't wake up. Super cock-a-nathan de sheee! :x Okay, I'm going off to complete my DNT. BYEBYEEEE! (:
(I coughed out blood four times, i don't know what's wrong. I don't have to see a doctor. I guess i know what he'll say when he sees me. and it'll be 'You have lung infection, again' Haha! It's the same symptoms. I can't really breathe well. Airways shut closely tight together. When i tries to breath properly, I'll cough, then I'll be gasping for air. and when i sneeze, there's blood also. In both my phlegm and mucus. It just disgust me so much. YUCKSZXZX! But how i wished you cared.)
(The End)
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